Lets talk leftovers!
Elevate Your Left Overs
Don’t eat roast chicken for a week!
Elevate you leftovers. Leftovers are something we all have every now and again, however, the same dinner many days in a row can become a bit ho-hum and boring. The majority of leftovers can generally lead to waste. We make excess to create leftovers in order to make cooking easier for days after, unfortunately, our good intentions often lead to boredom and then the bin. Who knew that by using left overs you become a waste crusader.
Sometimes when you are cooking for just one or one other, the thought of cooking a substantial meal is overwhelming for many reasons. Mainly who wants to eat roast chicken for 5 days in a row. So here is a challenge, reinvent and rescue your leftovers. If you need some inspiration below are 4 roast chicken leftover reinventions that you may be able to use your intuition and adjust to your taste.
Roast chicken leftovers. Everyone has slightly different roast chicken ideas, so everyone will have different leftovers.
I use Maggie Beers roast chicken method, which entails a lemon and rosemary in the chicken cavity and roasting whole cloves of garlic. After the roast is finished the garlic and rosemary adopt delicious flavors, so transporting those flavors to the invention dishes just adds to them. Click here for Maggie Beers method. I also used the pan juices to make a gravy.
~ Roast Chicken from Yapunyah Meadow Grazed Chickens
~ Carrot
~ Sweet Potato
~ Potato
~ Broccoli
~ Onion
~ Garlic
~ Lemon
~ Rosemary
~ Verjuice
~ Salt and pepper
~ Olive oil
Recipe Guides
All made from the above leftover provisions, shopping in my fridge and some pantry staples. Many of them are suitable for a snack, brunch, lunch or dinner.
Words By
Anita La Forgia
Multipotentialite, lifestyle elevator and initiator of Levata
A treechanger who cooks to elevate life. Anita is passionate foodie using local, quality and seasonal ingredients. Living in the Macedon Ranges in Victoria she frequents the local farmers markets each week, with her beloved luggy. Her grandparents instilled the life skills of sustainable living, before sustainable living was a buzz word. She grew up in a restaurant and completing her International degree at César Ritz colleges in Switzerland, the heart land of hospitality, food and service.
Image source: Levata