'There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s a why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.'     

Oprah Winfrey ~ I don’t think she needs an introduction. 



Italian - (noun) Translated to English – Rising, for example the sunrise   eg. La levata del sole. 

Levata is conscious eco-luxe lifestyle brand.

Levata is a passion project.

A lifestyle destination to connect your valies to like minded brands, thoughts, people and ideas. A place to nourish.

Levata is a brand on a journey to Ikgai as our life evolve


To elevate ~ people, creators, collaborators, life, lifestyles and self  


To connect conscious lifestyles, purpose and luxury. A lifestyle brand driven by purpose, mindful of the environment, appreciative of luxury and as dynamic as life.


Our Ethos


We believe in

Ethics & Respect
Valuing wellness
Quality over quantity
Conscious capitalism
Social enterprise
Living a life of purpose
The power of knowledge  
Socially responsible business
Individual’s lifestyle choices
The pursuit of joy and happiness
The power of information free of sponsored content  

We believe that

Time is sacred
Life in precious
We evolve as people
Good health is a life goal
Nature’s eco systems is delicate
A questioning mind like a child is advantageous
People are assets defined by who they are not what they do
Food is for nourishment and vehicle to bring people together
Lifestyle is about our personal brand and our collective lifestyle choices


Thank you for letting us share a bit about our brand.

Do you resonate with anything above or have a brand that resonates with ours?