What is Eco-luxe?
Is it ecoluxe or eco-luxe?
An Ecoluxe Lifestyle
When considering what ‘label’ to put on Levata as a brand the only word that came to mind is eco-luxe. I wanted to challenge the notion that being sustainable is the only way we can define someone who cares about the environment. Maybe many people don’t want to be sustainable as after all sustainable means to maintain a certain level. Who wants that, what is there to look forward to?
Eco-Luxe sometimes written as ecoluxe is defined in the dictionary as, … well actually it is not in the dictionary! I know this, after googling and even going old school and looking in a hard copy of a dictionary. The word does not exist. It is a made-up word that is becoming a buzzword. Just like many lifestyle trends and technologies that emerge the, ‘real world’ aka dictionaries and laws are behind the eight ball in recognizing they exist.
So breaking it down Eco is a word that describes, ‘not harming the environment,’ and Luxe is a shortened version of ‘luxurious and of high quality’. Ecoluxe, therefore brings both, often thought as opposing concepts and balancing them as to not harm the environment, while being luxurious.
Traditionally there has been somewhat of a stigma that to be sustainable and environmentally conscious, an individual had to be a ‘hippie’. A far-left, slightly odd person with beliefs far removed from the mainstream. As climate change becomes more widely accepted as truth and discussed, so too has the notion that we all need and must be, or start to be more sustainable and conscious of the environment, if we want to have a healthy planet to live in. It can also be small steps.. Which poses the question, can we live a beautiful, instagramable life, while not being a ‘hippie’ and enjoying our lifestyles?
There are many eco-bloggers out there who do a wonderful job to display how eco and luxe can go hand in hand. Many philosophies can be used in cohesion together to create a more mindful lifestyle whilst elevating it. Philosophies such as, minimalism, zero waste living, conscious lifestyles etc.. Ecoluxe living can be making small steps to being more conscious, you don’t need to be a purist. Did you know buying antiques is an example of ecoluxe living or even reusing your old teapots as plant pots? Erin Rhoads and Anita Vandyke are two Australian eco-warrior pioneers and Bea Johnson was the founder of the concept of eco-luxe internationally. Each gives an endless source of inspiration for eco-luxe living. They also all have a beautiful book. Each with a slightly different slant on waste-free living, but all equally passionate, with bounds of ideas on how to live a luxurious yet conscious lifestyle. Happy Reading!
Minimalist and Zero Waste Blogger - Anita Vandyke aka Rocket Science. Click here for her story.
Plastic-free and Zero Waste Blogger - Erin Rhoads aka The Rogue Ginger. Click here for her story.
The mother of a Zero Waste Lifestyle - Bea Johnson aka Zero Waste Home. Click here for her story.
NOTE: This is not sponsored content.
Words By
Anita La Forgia
Life learner, multipotentialite, lifestyle elevator and creator
A treechanger who cooks to elevate life. Anita is passionate foodie using local, quality and seasonal ingredients. Living in the Macedon Ranges in Victoria she frequents the local farmers markets each week, with her beloved luggy. Her grandparents instilled the life skills of sustainable living, before sustainable living was a buzz word. She grew up in a restaurant and completing her International degree at César Ritz colleges in Switzerland, the heart land of hospitality, food and service.
Feature image: Hutomo Abrianto via Upsplash